how veins work


Healthy Vein Valve

Diseased Vein Valve

Healthy vein valves keep blood moving in one direction

Diseased vein valves allow blood to flow in both directions, elevating venous pressure.

Varicose veins typically occur in the legs and result from damaged valves within the veins, leading to impaired blood flow. As a consequence, excess blood accumulates, causing the veins to swell, twist, and become visible beneath the skin. Symptoms like aching, cramping, and leg swelling often accompany varicose veins.

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that often appear on the legs and can be a source of discomfort and cosmetic concern. At VeinInnovations, our team specializes in treatment of varicose veins using minimally invasive procedures.  Don't let varicose veins hold you back; take the first step towards smoother, healthier legs with our expert care.


Spider veins are smaller, thin blood vessels that can appear as red, blue, or purple webs on the skin's surface. Although usually harmless, they can cause persistent itching, dry skin, and discomfort along with unsightly appearance. At VeinInnovations, we offer non-invasive treatments like sclerotherapy and laser therapy to address spider veins effectively. Our skilled specialists will tailor a personalized treatment plan to diminish these unsightly veins and leave you with clearer, more radiant skin. Embrace the beauty of your legs again with our proven solutions for spider veins.


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition where blood clots form in the deep veins, typically in the legs, causing pain and swelling. It's important to note that DVT can occur without any symptoms as well.

Certain medical conditions that affect blood clotting can increase the risk of DVT. Additionally, long periods of immobility, such as after surgery, accidents, extended travel, prolonged sitting, or bed rest, can also contribute to blood clots in the legs.

Alarming statistics from reputable sources, such as the American College of Cardiology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), underscore the significance of DVT. Sitting for more than 4 hours a day can increase the likelihood of fatal blood clots, and as many as 900,000 Americans could be affected by venous thromboembolisms (blood clots that break off and block air to your lungs) annually. Understanding the risks of DVT empowers you to take proactive measures for your vein health.

This condition is often diagnosed with vascular ultrasound performed in both hospital and office setting.


Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is a type of vein disease that occurs when the veins in your legs sustain damage, hindering their ability to efficiently manage blood flow back to your heart. This leads to pooling of blood in your leg veins and increased pressure within them.

CVI can be caused by damage to various types of leg veins, including deep veins, superficial veins, and perforator veins, which connect the deep and superficial veins.

Initially, CVI may present mild symptoms, but if left untreated, it can progressively impact your quality of life and lead to more severe complications. Early detection and intervention are crucial in managing CVI and ensuring your vein health.

Chronic venous insufficiency